  Concorde OPS
Pan Am Virtual Concorde Routes
Flight Miami-Rio de Janairo-Miami joint operation with Panair do Brasil
Flight Rio de Janairo - Dakar - Paris CDG / Lisbon - Dakar - Rio de Janairo operated by Panair do Brasil
Planned Routes:
Here some important notes operating the Concorde:
The Concorde is a BEAST. You need sometimes 8 hands to fly it.
Remember: NO Slats, NO Flaps, NO Speedbrakes!!!!
You might use the reverser to slow down speed!
Start decend from FL550-600 some 200nm before landing ( around 260nm from FL is good)
Slow down to M1.5, then beginn decent (-2000-3000fpm) with slowing to M.95 at FL300. Then maintain 300-350 IAS to FL100, below FL100 fly 240 IAS, approach at 190 IAS and land safely.
Monitor fuel balance and landing weight all time!
It will take a few flights to get use of the Concorde and control that beast.